Abu Rizq Mundhir Ibn Muhammad Al-Amreeki
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Calling to the Qur'an and the Sunnah as Understood by the Salaf of this Ummah

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بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم

A Class In Preparation for Ramadhan

Chapter: Matters pertaining to fasting

Lesson (18)

Riyadh As-Saaliheen
By Imam Abu Zakaria Yahya Ibn Sharaf An-Nawawi Ad-Damishqi رحمه الله

Explanation of Abu Rizq Mundhir Ibn Muhammad Al-Amreeki وفقه الله

Masjid Al-Farooq
San Leandro, California

Live stream finished (23 minutes)
بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم

الحمد لله الذي بنعمته تتم الصالحات للعالمين و الصلاة والسلام على رسول الله الكريم و على آله و صحبه أجمعين.

أما بعد،

By the grace and bounty of Allaah, we have been permitted to make Umrah with our blessed family in this blessed month of Ramadhan 1445, wishing and hoping to receive the great reward similar to that of making Hajj.

For the Prophet صلى الله عليه و سلم
mentioned in the hadeeth, which came on the authority of Ibn Abbaas رضي الله عنهما, The Prophet صلى الله عليه و سلم said, "Whosoever makes Umrah in the month of Ramadhan receives the reward equivalent to Hajj." [Agreed upon]

We ask that Allaah accept our worship in this blessed month of Ramadhan and increase all of us in good actions, seeking His face alone.

We will be posting prior lessons and benefits in the upcoming days, during the first two weeks of Shawwal,
Insha Allaah.

Likewise, when we return to the United States , we plan to resume classes, lectures, and khutab.

We ask Allaah to strengthen us and our families' imān and make us better Muslims than we were before and to purify us from sins and transgression.

Your brother,
Abu Rizq Mundhir Ibn Muhammad Al-Amreeki
Mecca, Saudi Arabia ~ The Beloved Land of the Muslims
Ramadhan 26, 1445 / April 5, 2024

تقبل الله منا و منكم صالح الأعمال.

May Allaah accept good deeds from all of us.

الحمد لله رب العالمين
بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم
Question 1:
Have a question or seeking advice ....recently married second wife ... was not easy for first wife to accept but Allahamdulilah she came around. Wanted to get advice on how to be just on the two wives wanted wisdom on how to run a polygamy marriage .. what are the advices that Allah and his messenger left for us and the people of Knowledge inshShAllah barak-Allah feeka

Question 2:
I have a question to ask about Ramadhan, Alot of Masaajid in this town(In Ghana) we're living in,if we pray the taraweeh,the last Rakaat In the Shafi, in the Witr, is it from the sunnah of the Prophetصلى الله عليه و سلم to make a long dua? Clarify for me.


... I hope all is well with you insha Allaah. I had a question in regards to the mahr. Should it be given directly to the women or should it be given to the wali?


I have a question regarding jinn al-Kaboo

Answered by Abu Rizq Mundhir Ibn Muhammad حفظهم الله

Masjid Al-Farooq

Khutbah Jumuah:

Reminder of Ihsan in the month of Ramadhan and thereafter

By Abu Rizq Mundhir Ibn Muhammad

Masjid Al-Farooq
San leandro, California
بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم

من فضل الله ومنته اليوم بعد صلاة القيام التقينا بمجموعة من إخواننا الدعاة إلى الله،
في ضيافة الشيخ أحمد بن ناجي أبى عمر الغزالي وأولاده،
شكر الله لهم..

وكانت الكلمة للأخ المبارك الداعي إلى الله أكرم الغيثي، عن إغتنام الفرص ومنها هذه الأيام،
وساق صور من عمل السلف في اغتنام الفرص بالعمل الصالح..

وكلمة للأخ المبارك الداعي إلى الله منذر الأمريكي وكانت عن الإعتصام بحبل الله ، وفضل الإخوة والعمل الصالح ،والحرص على طلب العلم، واغتنام العمر في طاعة الله،

وكانت باللغة العربية وترجمها بالانجليزي لوجود جمع من الإخوة الأعاجم الذين لايجيدون اللغه العربية،

فأجاد وأفاد شكر الله له وللأخ أكرم حرصهم على إفادة إخوانهم ، والحمدلله على توفيقه..

أبومالك الريمي غفرالله له ولوالديه.
A Reminder Regarding Mudaawamah(Consistency)

A Blessed sitting with our Brothers the day of Eid after having breakfast.

By Abu Rizq Mundhir Ibn Muhammad

Mecca ,Saudia Arabia
Shawwal 1, 1445/April 10, 2024
Live stream finished (47 minutes)
Live stream finished (37 minutes)
Live stream finished (58 minutes)
Live stream finished (52 minutes)
Live stream finished (39 minutes)
Live stream finished (53 minutes)